who are we?

Beauty Bar is an 8-chair, full service hair salon located in Frackville, Pennsylvania. Our salon is entirely staffed by women who work very hard to balance their professional growth with nurturing client relationships. We aim to provide Frackville and the surrounding area with the latest trends in haircutting and coloring that rival (and sometimes influence) the looks our clients fall in love with on Instagram.

“We believe our multigenerational wisdom has given us a unique edge when it comes to serving the people of our county with quality haircare services. Both natives to the area, we understand the need for service providers to appreciate each customer’s patronage. We strive to maintain the warm, familiar atmosphere of a family hair salon as we modernize our equipment, skills, and business practices to meet industry standards. Providing opportunities for young stylists to make a meaningful career in this industry is extremely important to us and we are so grateful for the chance to do so.”

-Colleen Joyce & Kate McCarthy, Cofounders